What To Expect When Working With A Professional Home Buyer In Lawton

Every home is different. You can’t use the same strategy to sell every home in your neighborhood. Experienced real estate professionals understand this concept. That’s why they treat every property as a unique story and will apply marketing to highlight the unique features of the house. That’s exactly why you can’t sell every house in … Continued

Selling Land? We’re the Best Solution in Lawton

Are you selling vacant land? What’s the location? Is it far away from the city centre? The land’s value depends sharply on its location and development potential. You can command a high price if your land has the potential to be developed into a commercial venture. Buyers are interested in great locations. At DHS Realty … Continued

5 Signs it is Time to Sell Your House in Lawton

Is it the right time to sell your house? We can’t answer this question right away. Life happens, and every individual has different circumstances. There are two perspectives on this question. The first thing is the market condition. Do you want to know about the local real estate market? You want to know if selling … Continued

What to do With Your Costly Lawton Fixer-Upper Property

Do you own a fixer-upper property? Did you buy a fixer-upper property that now requires more repairs than you can afford?  Maybe you took the house as a challenge but now don’t have the time or financial resources to handle the work. Sometimes owning a fixer-upper causes too much stress and disturbance to personal life. … Continued

How to Sell Your House Without Any Costs in Lawton

That’s a question we receive a lot. How can I sell a house without spending a lot of money? The truth is, you have to spend some money before you can sell your house.That’s a big problem if the house was constructed years ago and hasn’t been updated in a while. You will need to … Continued

Inherited Real Estate: Learn Your Next Steps

Inherited real estate is a sign of love that often comes with emotional stress. You need to carefully plan the next steps and make the right decision.  Owning a home is expensive when you consider the holding costs, management expenses, and responsibilities. The exact cost is not obvious, but think of the commute time (if … Continued

3 Things to Consider Before Listing Your House in Oklahoma

Listing your house comes with a set of responsibilities. Most people will download a checklist called “101 things to do before selling your home” and you start the journey. While having checklists is important, you must not ingore the important tasks. Let’s explore the 3 most important things to consider before listing your house. 1. … Continued
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